
Inaugural Andesa Fellowship Announced

Written by: Tammy Staudt

The Andesa Fellowship for charitable works, newly launched in 2016, allows an employee to take up to three months of paid leave in order to make a meaningful impact with a 501(c)(3) charitable organization. In a competitive process, Andesa’s Leadership Council received several strong applications based on employees’ interests and skills. After careful evaluation of applications and presentations for impact on the community and benefits to the employee’s career, ERASE Child Trafficking was selected and deemed most qualified for support.

“The key to Andesa’s success is our people. Andesa employees are generous, want to help others and give back to the communities in which we operate,” noted Ron Scheese, President and CEO. “We believed a Fellowship experience would provide a hands-on, significant contribution for an organization, expand awareness amongst our team members, and create a memorable experience for our Fellow.”

ERASE Child Trafficking is a US-Based, 501(c)(3) non-profit organization headquartered in Nashville, TN, with outreach across U.S. communities and making an impact at the global level. ERASE seeks to be a unifying voice creating a cultural shift in the perception of child trafficking and is working to its eradication through a holistic approach, focusing on education, recovery, and life reclamation.

Regarding his fellowship experience Resnick stated, “I am proud to represent Andesa, a company that pays it forward by creating this opportunity for its employees to serve the community. The enormity of child trafficking has been disregarded far too long in the United States. 46 children a day go missing into the world of trafficking from our own backyards. Having the opportunity to work with ERASE Child Trafficking has been a tremendous and humbling experience. I consider myself fortunate to have been part of this initiative.”

ERASE’s leadership commented, “ERASE Child Trafficking greatly appreciates Andesa’s generous contribution of its Fellow to assist us in the fight against child trafficking. As a volunteer organization, we are grateful for Larry’s business expertise and time which have been invaluable to this global issue. Thank you Andesa for giving back to the community through our foundation!”

Resnick’s Fellowship experience will be shared with Andesa employees this fall, as part of the company’s quarterly information meetings and highlighted with Andesa’s clients at the 2016 Andesa Client Forum held in Nashville, TN.


Andesa began as a pioneer in the field of COLI/BOLI policy administration. Today more than 30 years later, Andesa provides comprehensive, integrated policy administration, plan administration and support solutions for life insurance and annuity carriers and producers. Partnered with numerous insurance companies (including 7 of the top 13 life and annuity carriers) along with several top distributors and producers, Andesa’s integrated approach to insurance and plan administration results in efficiency gains, reduced hardware costs, mitigated compliance risk and improved market response. This comprehensive suite of services is offered in a secure, private cloud environment. The Company’s highly-experienced team of U.S.-based professionals offers a true extension to a client’s business, providing insurers and producers—large and small—with administrative support for complex product and plan offerings.


ERASE Child Trafficking ( is a U.S. based 501(c)(3) non-profit organization with global impact.
We are focused on eliminating child trafficking by implementing a holistic approach, from Education and Recovery to life Reclamation. ERASE’s mission is to be a unifying voice creating a cultural shift in the perception of child trafficking. ERASE Child Trafficking, 513 3rd Avenue South, Nashville, TN 37210. [email protected] #HelpErase

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